
  • Co-chair: AIART ('23, '24)
  • Program committee: VINCI ('23, '24), EG ('24, '25), SIGGRAPH Asia '24 Courses/Technical Communications and Posters, GMP '24, Chinagraph '24, CAD/CG '24, GDC '24
  • Reviewer for journals: TOG, TVCG, TPAMI, CGF, JOCCH, CAGD, C&G, Graphics and Visual Computing, ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE TLT, Machine Intelligence Research
  • Reviewer for conferences: SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, CHI, UIST, VR, EG, PG, VRST, etc.


  • Computational Media and Arts Head Search Committee
  • RBM Selection and Interview (S&I) Committee
  • Information Hub Student-Staff Liaison Committee